使命、愿景 & Statements of Purpose and Faith





Statement of Purpose

Hardin-Simmons University, a church-related institution affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas:

  1. 通过在文科基础上提供具有学术挑战性的本科教育,促进学生的智力发展,并通过提供专门的研究生和专业学位课程来促进学术发展.
  2. 一个多世纪以来,学术卓越一直是澳门皇冠赌场平台的首要任务. 核心课程涉及学生与所选专业要求有关的广泛的一般研究的探究. 研究生课程拓宽了科学和专业学科的学习范围,并鼓励学生将学习视为终身的过程. 由经验丰富的澳门皇冠赌场平台教授的小班授课为互动学习提供了机会. 该机构对卓越的承诺最好地体现在传统上在各个领域都表现出色的毕业生的生活中.
  3. 通过保持对基督教信仰的明确认同和忠诚,并在历史浸礼会价值观和原则的背景下运作,肯定基督教信仰对当代世界生活的相关性和重要性.
  4. Founded in 1891 by a determined group of ministers, 农场主, 和商人, 澳门皇冠赌场平台确立了发展思想和培养学生精神生活的双重目标. That commitment to encourage growth in faith and knowledge has remained central. Believing academic excellence and Christian faith to be complementary, the university emphasizes the need for interaction between faith and reason.
  5. 鼓励个人通过积极参与智力活动来过服务的生活, 文化, and religious life, both on the campus and in the larger communities of Abilene and the world.

Although Western in tradition, the university takes pride in the cosmopolitan nature of its students, 教师, 和工作人员, and encourages the development of an international perspective. Through its leadership in providing intellectual, 精神上的, 文化, and social opportunities, 大学是学生和社区进步和丰富的催化剂. (Approved, 校董会, September 16, 1992)

Statement of Faith

Adopted by the HSU 校董会 on November 3, 2022

After much prayer and careful deliberation, 这份信仰声明谦卑而深思地纪念澳门皇冠赌场平台历史上真诚的宗教信仰. 该机构仍然致力于在基督教信仰和价值观的启发下提供卓越的教育.

We desire to love everyone as 神 loves us. 澳门皇冠赌场平台将继续欢迎来自不同背景和经验的学生,并鼓励他们追求卓越的教育,并在圣经中表达的上帝话语的知识和实践中成长.

This Statement of Faith directs all facets of the governance, 政府, 管理, 操作, and employment practices of the university. 而我们希望学生成为知识渊博的世界观和观点的信仰和生活, 大学提供给学生的教育和门徒训练必须促进我们的愿景和使命,而不是与这一信仰声明相冲突.


We believe in 耶稣基督, the Word become flesh, fully 神 and fully human, who died for us and was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. Christ’s return will complete 神’s redemptive mission. 耶稣基督 is the only mediator between 神 and humanity.

以赛亚书53:1-12, 马修20:28, 约翰1:1, 约翰一14, 约翰58, 约翰11, 约翰6, 罗马人5:8-10, 罗马书6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 加拉太书2:20, 腓立比书2:7, 歌罗西书2:9, 提摩太前书2:5, 希伯来书15, 彼得前书3:18, 约翰一书2:1-2, 约翰一书3:5, 约翰一书3:16

We believe in the one true and living 神, the Creator of heaven and earth, revealed in three persons: Father, 儿子, 和圣灵. 神 is all powerful, all present, and all knowing. 神 will rule forever. 神就是爱.

创世记1:1, 申命记6:4-9, 约书亚书1:9, 1 Chronicles 29:11, 诗篇139:1-12, 诗篇146:10, 诗篇147:4-5, 以赛亚书9:7, 以赛亚书44:6, 耶利米书10:10, 马修3:16-17, 马太福音十六章十六节, 马太福音28:19, 马克1:9-11, 卢克一33, 约翰6:57, 约翰10:30, 罗马人8:14-15, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 加拉太书4:6, 詹姆斯19, 约翰一书3:20, 约翰一书4:8, 约翰一书4:16


We believe in the Holy Spirit, 助手, 神’s presence with us, who teaches us and leads us to grow in faith. We receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us.

约翰14:15-17, 约翰14:26, 约翰15:26, 约翰16:7-15, 使徒行传一章8节的, 徒2:38, 徒31, 徒五32, 罗马书8:9, 罗马人或其他, 罗马书15:13, 1 Corinthians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 约翰一书4:2


We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired authority for life and faith. 圣经是神的话语,完成他的目的,不会空手而归,并且永远屹立不倒.

约书亚1:8, 诗篇119:11, 诗篇119:105, 以赛亚书40:8, 以赛亚书55:10-11, 约翰6:63, 约翰福音, 提摩太后书3:16, 罗马福音15:4, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 希伯来书4:12, 彼得后书1:20-21, Revelation 22:18-19


We believe that humans were created in the image of 神. Humankind disobeyed 神 and fell from a sinless state when tempted by Satan. Because all humans are sinful, they are separated from 神 and stand in need of rescue and redemption. Because of His great love, 神 provided a way for humanity to be put right with him. The death and resurrection of 耶稣基督 provide for rescue and redemption from sin.

创世纪1:26 - 27, 创世纪3:1-24, 《澳门皇冠赌场平台》九, 出埃及记32:33, 以赛亚书53:5-9, 以赛亚书59:2, 弥迦书3:4, 罗马书3:23, 罗马人5:1-21, 1 Corinthians 15:17-22, 加拉太书1:3-4, 加拉太书2:20, 加拉太书3:13, 以弗所书1:7, 以弗所书2:10, 彼得前书1:13-16



约翰1:12-13, 约翰3:16-18, 约翰3:36, 约翰5:24, 徒4:8-12, 罗马书1:16, 罗马书6:23, 罗马书十章九节, Ephesians 1:13-14, 来到, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, 提多2:11-14, 彼得后书3:9, 约翰一书1:9


我们相信教会是由耶稣建立的,他是教会的头. 教会是信徒聚集在一起的团体,借着圣灵为神而建立,并作为基督在世上的身体. 教会被呼召作基督的使者,担当和好的事工.

马太福音16:18, 马修28:18-20, 徒2:46-47, 徒20:28, 罗马人12:4-5, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Ephesians 2:19-22, Ephesians 4:14-16, Philippians 2:1-11, 歌罗西书1:18, 希伯来书10:24-25, 彼得前书2:4-10

We believe that 神 created the human race with two genetic sexes, male and female.

创1:27, Genesis 5:2, Mark 10:6


We believe that marriage has been established by 神 to be a life-long, covenant relationship between one genetic male and one genetic female. 我们也相信,性活动是上帝的意图,只在一个遗传的男性和一个遗传的女性之间的爱的婚姻的背景下表达.

《澳门皇冠赌场平台》24, 出埃及记20:14, 马修19:4-8, 马克10:6-9, 罗马人1:26-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 5:21-33, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 提摩太前书1:8-11, 希伯来书十三4

Kindness and Respect

我们相信,每一个人都是由上帝创造的,是令人敬畏和奇妙的,应该得到爱, 善良, compassion and dignity.

创1:27, 诗篇139:13-18, 马修7:9-12, 马修9:36-38, 马修22:34-40, 马修25:34-36, 马克12:28-34, 路加福音6:27-36, 路加福音10:25-37, 约翰13:34-35, 约翰15:9-17, 罗马人12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 加拉太书3:26-29, 加拉太书5:22-26, 以弗所书4:31-32, Philippians 2:1-11, Colossians 3:12-17, 彼得前书3:8, 彼得前书4:9-11, 约翰一书3:16-18, 约翰一书4:19-21

*Fearfully when translated from the Hebrew means with great reverence, heart-felt interest, with respect. (诗篇139:14)

Why did the 校董会 write a statement of faith?
校董会的成员负责管理大学的愿景和使命, 负责通过制定政策和向总裁提供领导组织的方向来进行管理.  我们认为,明确界定的信仰声明为履行这些责任提供了一个重要的参考点.

Why have a statement of faith?
澳门皇冠赌场平台的信仰声明清楚地说明了基督教信仰,这是大学愿景和使命的基础和信息, 并强调了我们在提供“受基督教信仰和价值观启发的卓越教育”方面所设想的原则.”

信仰声明为大学的行政领导提供指导,因为他们做出的决定会影响该机构的各个方面. 它也为我们的教师提供了灵感和基本的参考点,因为他们教育学生和培养下一代领导人, as well as to our staff who provide the platforms that facilitate learning.

Why publish the Statement of Faith now?
随着国家文化背景的变化,与历史上的基督教教义的冲突越来越频繁, 我们相信这是重要的,我们明确宣布我们的信仰,认真和透明的大学致力于提供卓越的教育启发基督教信仰和价值观, as has been our purpose from inception of the university.